SQL Server 2008 - Table and Database Designers

In this post,i am going to explain about,how to automatically generate scripts ,when a table is created/altered through Design option(New Table...) in SSMS ,

& how to automatically prevent table definition changes,if you try to alter the table through
 Design option in SSMS

In SSMS 2008,Goto   Tools -> Options...


Tools -> Options -> Table and Database Designers -> Auto generate change scripts

Look at the below image,

If you check this option - "Auto generate change scripts" - and then if you try to create /alter

table through Design option(New Table...) in SSMS,it will automatically prompt for saving the table definition scripts.

 Example:Auto generate change scripts

Under Object Explorer,expand database and then right-click Tables - > New Table...
as shown in below image.


Create a new table and then try to close the designer query window ,a screen will pop-up as shown in below image.

Tools -> Options -> Table and Database Designers -> Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation

If you check this option - "Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation" - and then if you try to alter the existing

table definition through Design option in SSMS,it will automatically prevent from altering the table definition as shown in below image.

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